Ben Thomas contacted us to say he had found an injured Eagle Owl near his home and asking what he should do with it. He has now taken the bird to a local rescue centre and we hope it can be returned to good health. Here is what Ben told us, along with a couple of photos.
11th June – from Ben – “I have a injured Eagle Owl, or Long eared Owl which appears to have a broken wing and possible damage to it’s legs DO YOU KNOW A VET WHO DEALS WITH wild creatures?”
(We suggested he contact a rescue centre).
11th June – Ben said “Hi Mary thanks for your reply, last year I took a young injured Kestrel to Alicante recuperation centre, I think this will be the best place. Incidentally it’s an EAGLE OWL, I should have known. We are at Camping Florantilles, and we found it just down the road under a bridge where the Autopista goes over, so I think it may have been hit on the motorway and gone down between the carriageways. He is a beauty and we hope that something can be done.”
23rd June – Message received from Ben – “Sad news I am afraid, regarding the Eagle Owl, it died a few days later, antibiotics and all the care could not help , it had severe internal injuries. How long it had been where we found it is impossible to know, If only, but, maybe if we come across something else a more speedy delivery to Alicante may help.