First proper trip out early this morning, a cycle down to El Pinet Salinas from Urb La Marina. The track down from the Urbanizacion through the pine scrub was beautifully clear giving great views out to Sierra Crevillente, but the peace was broken by the raucous calls of a Great Spotted Cuckoo which swooped from perch to perch across the farmland. First one I’ve seen in this particular location. A Little Owl was in its usual spot on one of the small cabins.
At El Pinet the air was full of Common Terns, and the pools held large numbers of Avocets; also, a really good number of Slender-billed Gull (I would estimate 50+). Three pairs of Kentish Plover and a Little Stint were also seen, but no Pratincoles yet. The final surprise came as I headed away from El Pinet, with a Nightingale singing loudly from the scrub on the edge of the nearby Urbanizacion (that’d be a nice garden tick!). Only photos I got are phone-binned and not great, but here are two, for what it’s worth!