During my round of golf at La Marquesa I’m pretty sure from all my subsequent Googling I saw a pair of Glossy Ibis rummaging in the shredded palm stuff scattered by the course along the main road. They were in front of the hoarding with the pic of Miguel Angel Jiminez on it. I’m always on the lookout for birdlife when I play and these two were quite a big surprise. I thought they were Ibis straight away but having never seem them by the golf course before it was a very pleasant surprise. Unfortunately I couldn’t get a pic of them. I only had one other guy here who liked the birds and David (Lewis) passed a few years ago so I don’t have him to compare sightings with any more.
My oddest spot on the course was a very big Whooper Swan. It did about four laps of the course before it headed away towards the river. I think it had lost its bearings a little hence it was flying round and round. I also rescued a Moorhen once on the hole near to Residencia Rojales. What looked like a juvenile Booted Eagle was trying to get airborne with it without success. I took the Moorhen to the reeds and got it there just before it came round and pooped on me!