Moraira – Peter Alden

posted in: Sightings | 0

Like most here I’m now restricted to our garden birds. A lot of pines on neighbouring plots have been removed by developers in the last three years, but there are sufficient left to encourage a reasonable array of birds. Here is what has been around in the last week.

We get daily visits to the nut feeder, hanging in a pine, from Great, Coal and Crested Tit, once the greedy House Sparrows have had their fill. It is only in the last two years the Sparrows have learned how to get at the nuts. In the same pine we have had regular Firecrest and the occasional Greenfinch this week. I also saw an immature male Common Crossbill. Before the pine trees were reduced, (or is it down to the numerous and bold Red Squirrels), we used to have lots of Crossbills every year, but now it´s an occasional visit.

On the patio plants we have Black Redstart, Chiffchaff, and Sardinian Warbler almost everyday looking for insects. In the garden Robin, Blackbird, Woodpigeon and Collared Dove are common. White Wagtail and Goldfinch are seen about once a week in the Overhead there are always Yellow-legged Gull, and most days our local Ravens put in an appearance (heard before seen). Daily I see our “green bullets”, noisy Peach-faced Lovebirds which escaped from a local aviary about 20 years ago, and now successfully breed in local villas.

As for migrants, I haven’t yet seen any sign. However, I´ll soon be going Cuckoo if I don’t get out for a Nightjar!