The CBBC meets on monthly field trips from September to June – its only real activity. The venues vary from Murcia in the South to Pego Marsh in the North. The majority of trips are within an hour´s drive of Alicante, as this is the area with the largest number of members. We usually meet around 9.30/10.00am at or near the chosen site, often with earlier meeting points for those that want to car-share. Details of meeting places and times are sent out to all members by email 10-14 days before the trip.
We generally get 15-25 people on a trip. The day is spent bird-watching until around 2pm when we stop for a typical “Menu del Dia” lunch at some local hostelry. After lunch we carry on until we decide to call it a day, say 5pm.It is a very free and easy set-up with members varying from beginners to expert. The trips are on a “turn up on the day basis” – no need to book. If you wish to leave early, or not stay for lunch, then that is also OK.
Membership is €20 per year, and covers other family members. Visitors are charged €5 per trip. There is no need to join in advance of a field trip, we´ll collect your money on the day!
Of course, you have to provide your own transport but many members car-share. You are also responsible for your own insurance on field trips.