Guadalentin Valley – Edward (Ted) Humphreys

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A day out at Guadalentin yesterday, my first visit to this area. Species list – 6 Bee eaters, 4 Spotless Starling, 3 Hoopoe, 7 Crested Lark, 2 Calandra Lark, Lesser short toed Lark, 20 Swallow, 50 Swift, 9 Black winged Stilt, 3 Mallard, 30 Jackdaw (most nestbuilding in low cliffs next to the river). 5 Red legged Partridge, 3 Sardinian Warbler, 3 Stone Curlew, 8 Magpie, 3 Kestrel, 12 Spectacled Warbler, 3 Short toed Lark, Little Ringed Plover, Skylark plus 3 Hares, 8 Terrapins. 

At the end of ‘camino venta juan santos’ on a side track near the empty reservoir i unwittingly disturbed a Honey Buzzard that had been sat out of sight on a low olive tree  (a poor but just about viewable image as it flew off)  an interesting and enjoyable first visit.

Honey Buzzard (record shot) by Ted Humphreys©